
Most days of our lives, we are trying to build the life we want for our families and for ourselves. But there comes a point where everything becomes so fast paced that it becomes crucial to set aside some time for ourselves to unwind and find our footing. With our ever full schedules, reminders, meetings and deadlines, it is that much more important to take time to sit back and relax and let the body return to its supple form, as we let the mental distractions fade away. One well known and ancient way is through yoga.


What is yoga?

Yoga comes from the ancient Sanskrit word, ‘yuj’ which means ‘to yoke’. It aims to integrate the mind, body, and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment. It is a collection of techniques which includes breath control, meditation and assuming body positions, a person practicing yoga is called a “yogi”.


Equipment Needed

When starting a yoga practice routine, first, you will need yourself. The commitment to a routine requires self-determination and perseverance. It is also advisable to wear loose and stretchable clothes to provide ease in movement. You may also need a yoga mat for the floor exercises which comes in variety of sizes, colors and thickness. Yoga blocks and straps are also great tools especially for “hard to reach” poses and to better align yourself.


Starting the yoga habit

  • In yoga, it is essential to know the proper way of breathing, most especially when holding various posture. One breathes in and out through the nose and into the belly as the movements occur. Your instructor will guide you on this at first, then gradually, the rhythm and postures will become one.
  • Begin with a short meditation and intention setting. Assume an easy pose or accomplished pose (or any comfortable position) and take a few minutes to ground, center, and introspect with one of the many meditations. At this point, you may set an intention, goal, or prayer for your yoga practice.
  • As beginner be reminded to take it slow. Begin with warm up sequences and then try to practice the basic and/or beginner yoga pose sequences first. Make sure you understand the alignment of the postures. Follow the transition phases as if the whole practice is one sequence.
  • Close out the meditation with a savasana, also known as the ‘relaxation pose’. You can try to rest on your back and consciously relaxing your body for at least 5 to15 minutes. A short, seated meditation after the relaxation pose is recommended. This is to facilitate the integration of your yoga practice and transition back into the world.
  • Special care must be observed in all postures. Certain postures must be avoided if you are under an existing medical condition such as pregnancy, high blood pressure, injuries to knees, shoulders, and neck.
  • In order to increase intensity of your yoga practice, try holding postures for longer and longer periods of time. Slowly switch to a more advanced and challenging posture. Move quickly between postures.



Yoga not only provides a peace of mind but as well various physiological benefits. It increases flexibility, muscle strength and tone. It also improves respiration energy and vitality. Yoga can assist in weight reduction and balanced metabolism.

In this fast paced world, it is important to keep yourself healthy and balanced. Yoga will provide you with benefits not only with the mind, and soul but as well as the body. It is also a good environment for social interaction with other yogis and like minded individuals. Incorporating yoga and other energy balancing practices such as Tai Chi into your regular routine will help reap benefits of living a life full of vigor, harmony and health.

In pursuing the mind-body connection with courage and perseverance, it can help us come to know ourselves better. Book and enjoy the healing vibrations of Carolina Santos healing bowls.

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